Hi there! Welcome to my website and nice to meet you virtually! My name is Xiao (Marshal) Ma. I am a UC Berkeley alumni graduated in 2017, and currently working as a data scientist. In my free time, I enjoy reading (and gaming) a lot, and I enjoy writing some of my ideas into blogs and share it with people. Here, you will find the blogs I wrote, the programming packages I built, and the books I read. I hope you find it easy enough to navigate!
You may wonder why is this site called "A Laughing Horse" with a man's picture underneath - how strange!
This is because my Chinese name is "Ma Xiao", which literally means "Horse Laugh (Roar)" in English and when it came to making a made-up name, I decided to go with "ALaughingHorse" - a funny but accurate epitome of both my name and my personality. I am a happy person most of the time, and I do enjoy laughing : ) (Interestingly, I chose my English name to be Marshal when I came to the U.S., which essentially pronounce the same as my real name.)